@cacodayum also, $150 is actually the average for a computer chair (at least where I'm at). I saw one or two for $500+ but I ain't going above $100-150 lol.
Edit: also not just for drawing, I should've mentioned it was just in general but drawing/animating is the main for me. Also I changed stuff a bit, at least for now it feels alright.
Bro it is not that hard to sit comfortably and draw. Wing it. $150 on a chair smh
Actually let me change my response now that I was at my desk again for verification. (Not sure if you saw my previous)
I doubt it's just the sitting, it's also the height of my desk and the chair being short + not having upper back support or even armrests so my elbows just dangle around in the air like bone balloons.
But my desk (that originally isn't a computer desk) can fold so I may just have to alternate.